Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Cell Phone Straps

Some of you get Tammy's Random Email. For those of you that know Tammy, but don't get her email, you're missing out. It is like one of those crappy emails your weird aunt or mom forwards about troops, or web fraud, or one of those lame poems...

...except that it is AWESOME!

If somewhere out there at one point was like, "Hey guys, I have this idea! People can send emails, and they will be righteous. They will, in fact, be so righteous that the people who receive them will forward them to everyone they know, and there will be fraternity and awesomeness everywhere."

Then his friend was like, "You're dumb. People are dumb. It will be corrupted by pyramid schemes and LOLCATS."

Well, her emails are like the best case scenario of that mans dream. They may, in fact, be the only truly good example of an email newsletter ever.

Now that I'm done kissing ass, I am ready to announce my eligibility in the competition she began with her last email. Admittedly, this is not the best I could probably come up with, but I have to participate.

The challenge is to bring forth the coolest cell phone straps you can find. Well, Japan is the Jerusalem of cell phone straps, so I have been excited to participate. Unfortunately, I have tried several times to get out to Kyoto where I could find some really good ones, but have not had time. So, I am going to post the ones I have been able to find around town. As soon as I can, I'll get some more and put them up.


Jo Nuvark said...

"OK Go" is one of my favorite Youtube videos. Is that one I sent you?

Please explain cell phone straps to me. I don't get it.

The Ninja said...

Yeah, I love that one! I need to get the album. Anybody know if the rest of it is any good?

Do you get Tammy's random email? It was a challenge she set up. She is giving a prize to the best cell phone strap.

The things are big over here in Japan. They don't use cell phone covers to customize their phones. They prefer to beat the crap out of them and just get new ones every year. But they do change the straps.

They are just like the kind for American cell phones. Thin string loop you fit through a little bar in a hole on the side of the phone. But they get crazy here. Giant teddy bears hanging out of peoples pockets. Dozens strpped to one phone. It's crazy.