Sunday, March 2, 2008


I'd like to first continue with the theme of my last post by exploiting linguistic differences. This time in Japanese.

A few months ago I started noticing my kids saying "K-Y" to each other. This is usually followed by lots of giggling. Now, if I were in America, I would know EXACTLY why they were giggling, but I have a hard time believing it's the same thing here. (For those of you who didn't have f-ed up bosses (hugs John) that talked about it constantly, it's lube... yeah... that kind of lube.)

Turns out it stands for 空気読めない (kuuki yomenai) which literally means "You cannot read the sky (or air space)." A rough equivalents would be "Get a clue." You say it when someone just doesn't get it. Either they jumped into the conversation late, missed the point, or just can't read the writing on the wall, you say "K-Y!!" and everybody giggles.

Everybody wait for Joy to comment on how I totally got it wrong... wait for it...

For those of you that don't know, today is my birthday, and I wanted to tell you I had a great weekend!

Ben came over Friday. We played HeroQuest and he stayed over the night. He rolled his first D20 and ROLLED A 20! It was hot, especially because he said, "I roll twenties" just before rolling it. It was sexy. Joy came over Saturday and we all drank "blue potions" as we watched the first two Harry Potter movies. MOST EXCELLENT! I am quickly turning into a big fan of this stuff. I should get the fourth book soon. We all went online and took the official sorting hat test. Joy, Ben and I are all Ravenclaws. Officially. I expect my letter by owl any day now... any time...

Tammy sent me a present. The funny thing is that I also got her Christmas present yesterday too. It was sent to my old apartment and it has taken all this time to find it's way here. Two presents from two seperate holidays on the SAME DAY! WOOT!

It was mostly awesome things like PEANUT BUTTER CUPS!!! And not just the sissy kind. We're talking the mega awesome seasonal kind. I have a Christmas tree, and the easter egg kind. Also, pop rocks, peeps, snickers, pez, and ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT SEASON 3!!

Tammy rocks. Everybody try not to throw food at her today, unless she is REALLY asking for it. Maybe even... give her a hug or something...

I also got a few things from Ben. The chocolate is rather good chocolate. I will enjoy it... maybe, if Joy lets me have some. The other thing is shaped like poop. Some kind of poop candy in there. There is a theme here I find most disturbing.

He also got me this awesome journal. It is like myspace the BOOK. As in, it is an actual book. It is for BEST FRIENDS ONLY! That means sort of friends will not be in this book. So don't ask. Only BEST friends.

I think that cowgirl is the book's equivalent of Tom. Anyways, each page is a "profile" page. You fill in important facts like favorite color and what boys they like. You know, critical networking information. Totally awesome.

That girl looks just like Jenny.

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